The Odisha Police Recruitment Board (OPRB) is conducting the Combined Competitive Recruitment Examination 2021 for the recruitment of Sub Inspectors (SI) of Police on Contractual Basis in Odisha Police under Home Department, Government of Odisha. The total number of vacancies are 477 posts, category wise break up is given in the advertisement. The date of commencement of examination shall begin from 22/06/2021. And the last date and time for submitting the online application is 15/07/2021 (23:59 hours). The tentative dates for computer-based recruitment examination are 06/08/2021 to 16/08/2021.
To know more about the vacancies, reservation, scale of pay, age, educational qualification, eligibility, examination fees, and general instructions, selection procedure & procedure to apply for the job kindly read the complete advertisement. The advertisement is given below. Kindly read all the instructions and complete advertisement before applying for the job:
Sub-Inspector Odisha Police Job Details
Name of Department : Odisha Police
Name of Post : Sub Inspector of Police
Total No. of Vacancies : 477
Age Limit : 21 to 25 years
Education Qualification : Graduate
Exam Fee : Rs.285/-
Last Date to Apply : 15/07/2021
How to Apply : Only online applications are accepted as per procedure explained in Annexure “A”
Job Notification : Click Here