Safalta Guru

Top Apps for conducting online courses and webinars

Best app for online classes in India

Best apps for online classes

Since the outbreak of Pandemic, a new paradigm has been evolved in the field of education. That new paradigm is “new normal”. What is this new normal? This new normal is the paradigm shift in the teaching methodology. Since the outbreak of pandemic, all the educational institutes were barred from taking physical classes of the students. So, willingly or unwillingly everyone has to switch to the new style and methodology of teaching.

What is this new methodology? This new methodology is online teaching via mobile applications. Yes! There are many applications available on the play store through which we can connect to many people and organize an online class or webinars, conferences and seminars.

This is the era of science and technology and we are not lagging behind from any perspective in using the new technology to run our businesses, professions and day to day activities. Let’s have a look at the top applications that can be used by an institute or anyone interested to conduct online classes, conferences and webinars.

  • Google Meet: Google meet is very popular nowadays and it is one of the best options among other apps for conducting online classes and webinars. Here on the Google Meet the teacher can share his/her screen with the students and take their classes. The concept is very simple and what you need to start off with this app is just a mic, headphones and a broadband/internet connection.

  • Microsoft Teams (MST): Microsoft Teams is another wonderful option to start off online classes. These apps like MST are not difficult to manage. So, even an aged teacher can also learn its features easily and connect with his/her students. MST has all the basic features required for connecting and sharing knowledge with the students.

  • Zoom: Zoom application is also a good option but working professionals prefer this application for online meeting and conference purposes. The good thing about this app is that it is a cross platform application which means it can be installed and run-on windows, Mac, Linux or any other platform.

Apart from these apps there are many other apps too but these three are the most commonly used apps nowadays for conducting online courses, webinars, seminars, conferences and meetings etc. If you too are interested in starting off with a new programme then these three apps could be your platform.