UGC-NET Exam December 2022 Result is out! The NTA announced the UGC-NET result on its official website The students who took the UGC-NET December 2022 exam can check their result by clicking on the link given below. It was a very big examination conducted by NTA where 8,34,537 students took the exam. Last month (March 2023) NTA declared the provisional Answer Keys and on April 6th, 2023 uploaded the Final Answer Keys on their website. Now, the UGC-NET final result has also been declared by the agency. The exams were conducted across India in 186 cities and 663 examination centres were setup.
Click here to see your UGC-NET exam result
If you see that the NTA official website is not getting loaded on your screen then do not panic, in this situation you need to keep patience because generally it happens in the case of Result Out. The reason behind this is that lakhs of students are opening the website simultaneously. So, keep trying to open the website again-and-again, after sometime it will be loaded on your screen and then you can check your result.
The NTA conducts the NET exam twice in a year. The UGC has established the National Testing Agency for conducting its NET exams. The Agency is responsible for all the tasks related to the UGC-NET Exam. You can check your result by click on above link or by following below steps
Steps to check NTA UGC-NET Exam December 2022 Result
- Open the NTA official website
- Click on UGC-NET exam result link
- Then a page will appear where you have to insert you credentials
- After login a result page will appear where you can see your result
- At last you can download your result for future reference
The examination was conducted in five phases, 1st phase was conduct from 21-02-203 to 24-02-203, 2nd phase was conducted from 28-02-203 to 01-03-203, 3rd phase was conducted from 03-03-203 to 06-03-203, 4th phase was conducted from 11-03-203 to 12-03-203, and 5th phase was conducted from 13-03-203 to 16-03-203 across the India.