NTA has announced the result of JEE Mains 2021 session 3 paper I (B.E./B.Tech) result via press release on 6th of August. Candidates can check Jee Mains 2021 results on the official website of the NTA https://jeemain.nta.nic.in/.
National Testing Agency, NTA has announced the JEE Mains 2021 Result of session 3 Paper I (B.E./B.Tech) examination. Over 7 lac candidates had appeared in the examination this year. The examination was conducted at 915 centres in 334 cities [ including 12 cities outside India in Bahrain, Colombo, Doha, Dubai, Kathmandu, Kuala Lumpur, Lagos, Muscat, Riyad, Sharjah, Singapore, and Kuwait].
Examination of 1899 candidates which could not be conducted on the 25th and 27th July 2021 examination in flood affected districts of Kolhapur, Palghar, Ratnagiri, Raigadh, Sangli, and Satara in Maharashtra state was conducted on 3rd and 4th of August 2021.
162 candidates from Bahrain who could not appear in the examination for session-I due to lockdown also appeared on the examination conducted on 2rd and 4th of August 2021. The exam was conducted in 13 languages.
Many candidates from Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana and Delhi have scored 100 percentiles in the examination. One student from Bihar, Rajasthan and Karnataka has also scored 100 percentiles in the examination. The final merit list of the toppers will be released once the result of the 4th session of examination will also be declared.
JEE Mains is one of the main examinations to take admissions into the top engineering institutes of India like National Institute of Technology (NITs), Indian Institute of Information Technology IIITs, and in many other government funded technical institutions (GFTIs).
How to check the JEE Mains 2021 Result
- Visit the official website of NTA or click the link here https://ntaresults.nic.in/resultservices/JEEMain2021auth.
- Select the Examination session
- Enter Application Number
- Enter Date of Birth
- Enter security pin
- Click the Submit button and check your result
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