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CBSE class 12th compartment result 2023 is declared on and

cbse compartment result 2023 class 10 & 12

class 12 compartment result 2023 link

Is the CBSE compartment result for class 12th declared?

Yes, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) declared the result today on its official website. Students can check their result by visiting the below mentioned direct link of CBSE class 10th & class 12th compartment result 2023.

What is CBSE compartment result 2023 class 12 & 10 date and time?

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) may declare the compartment result 2023 for class 10th & 12th anytime on official website and The examination was conducted from 17-06-2023 to 22-07-2023 for both classes. 10th class exam was conducted between 17-06-2023 to 22-07-2023 and class 12th compartment exam was conducted on 17-06-2023. Normally CBSE declares the result within 15 to 20 days after examination.

CBSE compartment result 2023 class 12 kab aayega?

Students are restless by continuously visiting the official website of CBSE to check their result. Also, they are searching when CBSE compartment result will be declared 2023 on internet regularly. As per big media houses the 12th class result may be declared anytime soon today.

What is class 12 compartment result 2023 direct link?

Students are searching for a direct result link so that when the result is declared they do not have to panic on the internet and can see their result immediately. Below are the links where CBSE expected to release the result. |

How to check CBSE Compartment Result 2023 for class 10th & 12th?

  • Visit the website given the links above
  • On those websites you will see the Result link on HomePage
  • Open the link for your respective result
  • You have to Enter the your credential before login
  • Once you login the result page will be their on your screen
  • You can check the result and can save it for future

In how many days compartment result come?

Generally, CBSE declared the result after 15 to 20 days of examination, but this time it is being expected the result will be declared soon for both classes. Students are advised to keep checking the result on official web portal of the board.

What is CBSE supplementary exam result 2023 date?

The board has not announced the CBSE supplementary exam result 2023 date and time yet. But, according to some big media housesĀ  the result is expected to be declared on July 31st, 2023 anytime.

How Many students got compartment in CBSE class 10th & 12th in 2023?

According to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) 1.34 lakhs class 10th students got the compartment or they were put in the compartment category. The students who have given the supplementary examination are desperately waiting for the result and it may be declared by today soon.

What is CBSE Class 10th & Class 12th Main Exam Result in 2023?

The CBSE announced the class 10th & Class 12th result on May 12th, 2023. 93.12% students of class 10th cleared the exam and 87.33% students of class 12th cleared the exam. Where many students got compartment and have given the supplementary exam. Now, they are waiting for the result.

Direct Link for CBSE 10th Class & 12th Class Main Exam Result 2023

if any student wants to check or download his/her CBSE 10th Class / 12th Class main exam result 2023 can click on below given respective link. To check the result, student have to fill the credentials such as Enter your Roll Number, Enter School No., and Enter Admit Card ID. The main exam result for 10th & 12th class was announced on 12-05-2023

Click here to check Secondary School Examination (Class X) Results 2023

Click here to Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII) Results 2023

What is compartment criteria for CBSE 10th & 12th class exam 2023

If we ask, who can give the compartment exam? Then, the answer is that students who fail in 2 subjects out of 5 subjects are eligible for compartment exams. The students had to clear all subjects of internal assessment.

What is Class 11th provisional admission?

The provisional admission of CBSE Class 11th will be treated as cancelled if the students do not clear the compartment exam of class 10th.

What is required to check the CBSE compartment result 2023 for class 10th & 12th?

Before going to check the result a student must have his/her Roll number, School number, Date of birth and Admit card ID handy because the information will be used as login credentials.

What are the CBSE exam dates for academic year 2023-2023

As a recent notification by CBSE the examination for class 10th & class 12th will be conducted from February 15, 2024. As per CBSE Controller of Examinations, Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj the period of examination would be 55 days but the exact and complete date sheet for examination has not been published yet.

What was the CBSE compartment examination date, time and subject?

Date : 17-07-2023 to 22-07-2023
Timing : 10:30 am to 1:30 pm
Subjects : Mathematics standard, Mathematics basic, English (Language and Literature)
Hindi course-A, Hindi course-B, Science, Language subjects, Social science

Career Options after 10th & 12 Class

Students who are looking to pursue any other certification course after 10th & 12th Class then there are many career options in India. Click are the articles which have detailed information about the career options.

Click here for career options after 10th Class

Click here for career options after 12th Class


When the result will be declared, the official website of CBSE may be slow down because all the students will try to login at once. Login lakhs of students simultaneously may cause to server down. But, in this situation students are advice do not get panic and keep patience. If you face this situation then keep trying to open the website after sometime it will be opened and students will be able to check their result.

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