The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released a Notice regarding verification of marks, obtaining evaluated answer sheets and marks re-evaluation for class X compartment exam 2023, CBSE is giving a chance to the students who are not satisfied with their evaluation. The board is providing the opportunity of verification of marks, the facilities to obtain the photocopy of their evaluated answer books and the re-evaluation of their answers. The students who want to avail this facility are advised to read all the steps and guidelines carefully before applying online. The direct link to the guidelines is given at last of this article.
How can I apply for verification of marks for Class X Supplementary Exam 2023?
Students can apply for verification for marks through online mode on August 7th, 2023 & August 8th, 2023. The outcome of the verification of the marks will be uploaded in the same login account where students applied for marks verification.
How can I obtain a photocopy of the evaluated answer sheet for class x supplementary exam 2023?
Only students who already applied for verification for marks are eligible to apply for obtaining a photocopy of the evaluated answer book. CBSE will provide a scanned copy of the answer sheet in the student’s login account.
How can I apply for re-evaluation for class X supplementary exam 2023?
After applying for verification of marks and obtaining the copy of the answer sheet, if a student desires to challenge the marks awarded to any questions, then the student can apply online for re-evaluation. The students who have not applied for the “obtaining for evaluated answer sheet” process are not eligible for re-evaluation.
What is the fee for verification of marks for class x compartment exam 2023?
The fee for the marks verification process is Rs.500/- per subject.
What is the fee for obtaining the evaluated answer sheet for class 10th compartment exam 2023?
The fee for obtaining the evaluated answer sheet process is Rs.500 per subject.
What is the fee for the re-evaluation process for class 10th compartment exam 2023?
Students have to pay Rs.100 per answer for the re-evaluation process of class x compartment exam 2023.
What is the last date for verification of marks for class x compartment exam 2023?
Students can apply online on 07-08-2023 and 08-08-2023 for verification of marks for class x compartment exam 2023
What is the last date for obtaining the evaluated answer sheet for class 10th compartment exam 2023?
Students can apply for obtaining the evaluated answer sheet process on 12-08-2023.
What is the last date for the re-evaluation process for class 10th compartment exam 2023?
Students can apply for the re-evaluation process on 16-08-2023.
Click here for CBSE Notice and Guidelines for detailed information.