Safalta Guru

What is Content Marketing?

What is Content Marketing?

What are the types of content marketing?

What do you mean by content marketing?

Content marketing is a part of Digital Marketing and it is just a method of spreading your content to the mass audience or to keep your content in front of as many people as possible or make your content viral. The aim of content marketing is to attract customers/users and get engaged with your targeted audience.

The content can be in the form of text, video, audio, and images. You can use various online channels to share your content with people such as blogging, social posts, email, etc. A marketer does a lot of planning, makes strategy and analyses marketing trends to promote content.

What are the types of content marketing?

There are multiple channels which help to promote and share content online. Some channels are paid and others are free of cost. The paid mediums boost your content to reach targeted audiences within a desired time period. Advertising, Email Marketing and Influencer Marketing are the examples of paid mediums. Below is a list of types of content marketing:

  • Blogging
  • Social Media
  • Email Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Webinars
  • Press Release
  • Live Q&A
  • Live Chat

What are the Content Marketing Learning Formats?

People have their own comfort in consuming content (or we can say way of learning) for instance some people like to learn through video format, some people like to listen and others like to read. Below are some learning formats which make people comfortable to consume content:

  • Video
  • Podcast
  • Blogs
  • Infographic
  • Newsletter
  • Guide
  • Whitepaper

Why is content marketing important?

Audiences convert into customers when they have trust in your brand/products/services. Here, content marketing plays an important role to create trust in you because through the content you tell your audience how much you are loyal to your customers and how much you care about customers. Content shows the quality of your product/services and it convinces the audience to buy your product/services. If you produce content regularly then you can retain a customer and increase the lifetime value of your customers.

Benefits of Content Marketing?

After knowing “what is content marketing?”, you must know “why is content marketing important?”. Content Marketing is the best way to get engaged with your audience. It makes the audience aware about your products, services or your interest in writing. Content marketing can convert your audience into your permanent customer. It can help to achieve your marketing goals such as branding, leads, website traffic, sales, app installs, etc. Through content marketing a business or person can tell the benefits of their product / services in detail, they can inform audiences about your new launches, achievements, offers, etc. Below is a list of benefits:

  • Get engaged with your audience
  • Convert audience into customer
  • Increase search engine ranking
  • Increase Higher domain authority
  • Increase Social Media fans/followers
  • Helps in decreasing marketing cost
  • Branding
  • Conversion (Website Traffic, Leads,Sales,Instals,Subscriptions,In-app-purchase,etc.)
  • Increase customer’s LifeTime Value (LTV)
  • Customer Retention
  • Win the Customers’ trust on a Brand