How to write SEO Content in Digital Marketing?
The days Are Gone when Search Engine Optimization (SEO) means only keywords, keywords density, alt tags, Headers, breadcrumb, internal linking, etc. But, now the Search Engines have developed their content algorithm at a very advanced level. Nowadays the Search Engines are working like human minds, not software. Google Search Engine likes reliable, helpful and people first content. The automated ranking system of Google prefers the content created for people not for search engine top ranking. Think twice before and after creating the content. Yes, this is true that apart from content, there lots of other factors to get your website on Google search engine but content is kind. Here in this article we will talk about SEO friendly with some useful tips. The people who are new to SEO they can check out an article on What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
Five Ever green tips for writing SEO friendly content
1. Make sure your content meets following quality
- The content written on the basis of original information, analysis, research and reporting wins the race.
- The content must be explaining the topic / headline in a simple and comprehensive way with correct and insightful information.
- If the content is created from another source then make sure that it is not just copy-paste or re-write. The content taken from other sources must add some substantial value which shows the originality of the content.
- The headline / title of the page must be summarizing the entire content
- The content which is worth sharing, recommending and bookmarking stands at the top.
- Increase the quality of the content by avoiding the grammatical and spelling mistakes
2. Develop a good page experience
Just creating a page and writing the content is not enough for a user and a search engine. When a user visits your page and consumes the content, that entire experience must compel the user to come again-and-again on your website. If you are able to do this magic means you have created a great page experience in your website.
3. Only create people-first content, nothing else
On any Search Engine a human searches for something and the Search Engine renders the results to that particular human only. This is the reason Search Engine wants a creator to develop content only for humans not for Search Engine and not for Search Engine Ranking.
4. Develop trusted content
- The content you are creating must earn the reader’s trust. The trusted content involves clear sourcing, background about the author, evidence of expertise and expertise in writing skill.
- Once a reader consumes your content, he should go away from your site with a trust and positive impression in his/her mind.
- Your content should clearly show that it is written by an expert or by an enthusiast who knows the topic very well.
5. Don’t use copied content
Always publish unique content, it should not be copied and pasted from any other source. Copied content on your website shows that you have not made any efforts to write the article. Maybe a human is not able to judge whether a content is copied or not but a Search Engine is smart enough to identify the copied content. So, do not try to be over smart and publish only original content. The website which does not publish unique content is penalized by Search Engine. Original Content wins the trust of a reader and gets the top ranking on any Search Engine.