The site owners want their websites to appear in Google’s search results whenever a user searches for something related to their sites. But, every website does not get top position on Google Search Engine because of many factors. Generally, non-SEO expert website owners don’t know how to get their website on Google. In this article you will get some basic tips to “get your site on Google”. Below are some basic tips “how to get your site on Google’s Search Results”. For non-SEO expert website owners, we have published some useful content such as “how SEO works” and you will know “what is SEO”.

Best Practices to get your website on Google Search Engine.

1. Firstly, make sure your website is easily available to get crawled by Google.

First of all, Google Search Engine crawl a website and collect date. Crawling is the first step taken by Google to show a website on Search Engine. So, website owners should make sure that their websites are easily available to be crawled by Google. Below are some best practices which help you to make sure that your website is available for crawling purposes.

Best Practices to get your website crawled

  • Link your Website : Linking your website with another site which is regularly crawled by Google. This activity will let the Google find your website easily.
  • Submit your site manually for Crawling : If you have launched a new website then it is good practice to submit your website manually for crawling through the “Google Search Console” tool because Google takes time to find newly launched websites.
  • Allow Google to crawl website : Some time you do not notice that unintentionally you have blocked Google from crawling your website through robots.txt / “nofollow” tags. So, before making your site live make sure that you have allow search engines to index and crawl your website.

2. Second step, make sure your website is indexed by Google.

If your website is crawled by Google then it is not necessary that your website is indexed in Google. You have to make sure that your website site is listed / stored in Google’s Index system. The site which is not indexed will not appear on Google Search Results. Generally, Google itself index new or updated websites and a site owner no need to do anything but still some websites get missed. If you still do not find your website on Google Search Result then you can take some corrective steps as mentioned below:-

How to check your website is indexed or not?

  • Open in a browser
  • Search your site in Google search bar like this “”
  • If you see that your website is appearing in search result it means your website is indexed on Google Search Engine.
  • If you don’t see your website in Google Search Result then follow the steps mentioned in below paragraph.

Best Practices to get your website indexed by Google

  • Publish only user friendly content on your website : Google understand that a website is built only for its users. If any search engine find that the website is making fool to users or the site is not useful for users then search engine either will not index or rank on Google search results. Some website owners only aims to rank higher on search engine result pages (SERP) and to achieve their goal they only create SEO friendly content which is very irritating for users because that content stuff unnecessary keywords, senseless sentence, incomplete paragraph, meaning less articles, etc. Search Engine do not like any web page or website which is not for users.
  • Create Business Listing on Google : Creating business listing also help you to get on Google easily and fast and also good review and rating help your business grow.
  • Built a responsive website: Google likes website which are responsive on all devices because Search engine like Google think that all the webpage are not access only on desktop or mobile user can access the website from any device which as internet and a browser. So, a website should properly display on all screen sizes.
  • Your site should be secure : Users trust on secure website and this is reason Google preferer the secure website. Secure your website with HTTPS.
  • User Google Search Console tool : If you do not want to wait for Google to come and crawl your website then index it. You can manually submit your website for crawling and indexing through Google Search Console tool. This is a free tool by Google and you can monitor many other activities related to Search / SEO.
  • Work on Google Technical Requirements : As you know Google is a technical software and understand technical signals only. So, a website owner must take care of all Google’s technical requirements which help the search engine to understand and index your website in its database. The website, which is not indexed, will not appear on Google Search Engine Result Page (SERP). Bad technical structure of a website will cause to lose of SEO traffic.
  • Built a XML sitemap : The sitemap helps Google to find all the new webpages and all the updated content of your website easily for indexing purposes. XML is the most versatile format of a sitemap and it contains more information about your web pages and other assets of your website such as images, video and other documents.
  • Design of the website : If the design of your website is not SEO friendly then it makes difficult for Google to crawl and index your website. It is suggested to use maximum text rather than only images and video in you website. Also, make sure that you have interlinked all your webpages.